LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® (LSP) is a creative and interactive methodology designed to help individuals and teams tackle complex challenges, develop innovative strategies, and foster collaboration. Using LEGO® bricks as a medium for communication and problem-solving, the process encourages participants to "think with their hands" and engage in serious play, which sparks creativity and deeper understanding.

Key Benefits of LSP:
Enhanced Problem Solving: The dynamic models created with LEGO® bricks allow for visual and tactile representation of ideas, making complex concepts easier to grasp and discuss.

Collaborative Learning: LSP fosters a collaborative environment where participants build on each other's ideas, creating a collective knowledge system that promotes team alignment and shared understanding.

Innovative Thinking: By engaging in hands-on building, participants unlock their creativity, leading to more imaginative and innovative approaches to challenges.

Strategy Development: LSP is effective for generating new strategies, brainstorming solutions, and addressing difficult business challenges in a structured, yet playful, way.

Team Building: The methodology builds trust, openness, and deeper connections among team members, helping to form stronger, more cohesive teams.

LSP is officially endorsed by the LEGO® Group, making it the only business development tool approved for use with LEGO® materials. This hands-on, playful approach offers an engaging alternative to traditional problem-solving methods, enabling participants to explore new possibilities and develop actionable solutions.

Why LEGO®?

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® (LSP) uses three-dimensional LEGO® models to create visual representations of challenges and opportunities. These models offer participants an entirely new perspective on their organization and its environment. By building these physical representations, complex ideas are simplified and made more accessible, allowing for a deeper exploration of issues that might otherwise remain abstract or difficult to address.

Key Insights of LSP:

  1. Visualizing Complex Issues: The process of constructing LEGO® models makes intangible challenges tangible. This visualization helps participants see problems, dynamics, and opportunities more clearly, making them easier to analyze and solve.

  2. Creating New Perspectives: By interacting with the models, participants gain a fresh, hands-on perspective that may not emerge through traditional problem-solving techniques. This new way of seeing issues can reveal hidden insights and opportunities.

  3. Simplifying Complexity: The act of building models helps break down complex organizational or business challenges into manageable components. This makes it easier for teams to address each element step by step and to collaborate effectively.

  4. Sharing Knowledge: LSP promotes the exchange of valuable knowledge within teams. The models serve as a common reference point for discussion, enabling participants to share their insights, experiences, and perspectives in a constructive manner.

  5. Concrete Problem-Solving: As issues are "brought to the table" through physical LEGO® models, they become more concrete and actionable. This shared, hands-on experience fosters a constructive dialogue that leads to more practical and innovative solutions.

In this way, LSP helps organizations and teams better understand their challenges, encourages collaborative problem-solving, and supports creative thinking, leading to more effective outcomes.


LSP Generates Peak Performance

An exciting dimension of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® (LSP) is its ability to help participants achieve peak performance or a state of “flow.” Flow is a mental state where people are fully absorbed, energized, and highly focused on the task at hand. This occurs when there is a balance between challenge and skill, and the activity becomes both enjoyable and deeply engaging.

How LSP Facilitates Flow:
Active Engagement: The hands-on nature of building with LEGO® bricks encourages participants to become deeply involved in the process. This physical interaction helps them focus on the task, enhancing concentration and immersion.

Creative Freedom: LSP allows participants to express their ideas creatively and visually. This creative freedom helps to minimize distractions, keeping participants in a state of flow as they explore and solve problems through play.

Balancing Challenge and Skill: LSP presents a stimulating challenge by asking participants to represent complex ideas through LEGO® models. At the same time, it taps into their natural abilities for creativity and problem-solving, creating the perfect balance needed for achieving flow.

Positive Emotion and Enjoyment: As participants build models, share ideas, and collaborate, they experience enjoyment and satisfaction, which are key elements of flow. This enjoyment contributes to an overall sense of accomplishment and helps participants maintain high levels of focus.

Increased Efficiency and Productivity: The flow state fosters greater efficiency in work situations, as participants can quickly generate new ideas, solve problems, and develop strategies. When participants are in flow, they work more effectively and feel energized throughout the process.

By helping teams and individuals enter this state of flow, LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® can significantly enhance creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving, making it a powerful tool for achieving peak performance in work environments.

Click Here to What LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Can Do For You