The Five Behaviors®

Developed in partnership with Patrick Lencioni, based on his international best seller, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, The Five Behaviors® transforms teams through a powerful and approachable model that drive team effectiveness and productivity.


The Five Behaviors®: Team Development program focuses on cultivating the behaviors essential to building and sustaining a healthy, well-functioning team. Using insights from the Everything DiSC® assessment, it tailors the learning experience to a team’s unique dynamics, helping members practice the following five behaviors:

  1. Trusting One Another – By being transparent and vulnerable, team members can build genuine trust, which is foundational to the team's success.

  2. Engaging in Conflict Around Ideas – When trust is present, team members can engage in open, constructive debates around ideas without fear of personal attacks. Healthy conflict drives innovation and better decision-making.

  3. Committing to Decisions – Once ideas have been fully discussed, teams are more likely to commit to decisions. This ensures everyone is on board and working toward a common goal.

  4. Holding One Another Accountable – With a shared commitment, team members feel empowered to hold each other accountable for following through on agreed-upon actions and goals.

  5. Focusing on Achieving Collective Results – The culmination of trust, conflict, commitment, and accountability leads to a strong focus on achieving results for the collective good of the team, rather than individual success.

This program helps teams learn how to practice and strengthen these behaviors, ultimately driving higher performance and better outcomes. It can be facilitated either in-person or virtually, offering flexibility in delivery.

Click Here to Learn What the Five Behaviors Can Do For You